quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2016

Just the basic about "Tupi Guarani"

Tupi Guarani

Hello girls, what's up? Today I'm here to talk a little about my second experience in this unbelievable and awesome program that is the English Immersion!!! 
Well, when I decided to apply again to the Youth Ambassador I was confident that I was going to pass, but it didn't happen! 😭😭😭 No, I was not too sad, because I remembered that those who do not pass to YA, go to the EIP, and this program has a lot to teach you. Not only this, because I had friends that I continue to have contact even living far from each other.
One of my favorites memories this EIP that I will keep forever in my mind was the day all of us, I mean, me, Maria Victória, Stefani, Julia, Alice e Duda were sitting after lunch and we were  joking with Alice, because she lives in Acre, and Maria was telling a lot of funny things, like this one: she asked Alice if she didn't know the basics of "Tupi guarani", of course it could be considered bullying but we were very happy to be together, laughing a lot and getting to know each other. 
I think I would have more experiences like this when the program finishes, but even though, I can tell you that my second time here is being more wonderful and I'm trying to enjoy even more. 
If you want to know more about this fantastic program, how to apply for it and more funny experiences, ask me and comment here!!! I will be able to answer all of your doubts 😁
So, bye bye, see you soon ladies
Kisses and hugs 😚💕
Danielle Souza EIP 2015/2016

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