sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2016

Look to The Stars

     Hey ya! Do you have someone that inspire you and is an example to be followed? Hold this question for a while and chek this out:
     I wanna talk about my role models! Everyone in this world is a role model even if he/she isn't a famous one and everyone that I met in the EIP IS a role model to me. I can say that each one inspired me in something, to believe in myself and achieve my dreams, to take decisions on somethings and to make the difference.
     I remember somethings about "The Lion King" and someone told to Simba that, Mufasa, 'his' father went to the heaven as a star and it's shining there to 'he' see. That is how I see my role models, not dead (hahaha), but shining, showing their overshoots and supporting me to go further and they are there, in this metaphoric sky, to guide us when our path gets dark.
     Look back and see the good things you did in life and be pround of that! Even with the problems and sad things that happens, go ahead and don't give up! :D
>Here is a message for two of my buddies (and my role models in special) in the EIP and have a special value to everyone that's reading this post:

     I know it's your last chance to become an Youth Ambassador and you are kind of nervous, but, believe me, you are incredible and I know you're going to achieve your dreams and do the best in your life!

     Marcelo, as I call you Captain, do justice to this title and guide this ship called 'Life' in this sea trials! I believe in your capacity and determination! Keep being a incredible guy and surprising me more and more!

     Caio Rodrigues, I remember that you said you don't deserve to be an YA. Are you sure?! I mean... You are such an incredible man and has a positive soul! Believe in yourself and do the best you can, even when you think something it's not going to work!

That's to everyone: BE AGRESSIVE! Make the difference and don't give up! :D xoxo!

Hey... What about YOU? Who is your role model and why?

Gleidson Santos

segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2016

Assay about her.

In the morning I asked to her "Are you gonna miss me?" and she looked in my eyes, her eyes were wet and she said "I gonna miss you all".

She were my buddy but in the last day we took different buses, on my fist was a red band and on hers were a white one, we knew that we would have a half day together, but not in that way, we were buddies and when we were in the bus I knew, it was something special. And as in the most painful movie of friendship. She left.

domingo, 10 de julho de 2016

Do not say sorry again.

In wednesday I broke his heart and finally I showed to myself who I really was, I cried inside, and even with I had done, he was standing by my side.

In thursday he said "I forgive you, let's forget what just happened" but in that afternoon he acted strange, and I asked to him what was happening and he said "nothing", in the same night he kissed me and I knew that he had forgot. Both of us already knew, that moment would arrive soon, and as the end of the most painful romance. He left.

sábado, 9 de julho de 2016


Thursday night we arrived at the Saint Paul Plaza Hotel after the party (THE BEST PARTY EVER) with the instruction "You will go to the staff room, take your ribbon - there are 4 colours: white, green, red and blue - then you will make your baggage. Tomorrow we have a very tight schedule."
After the instructions we took the ribbons, made our baggages...

Friday in the morning, the Immersioners meet each other at the Restaurante Flowers - our last breakfast together, a lot of pictures, hugs and kisses, goodbyes and tears. After we down the stairs to do our check-out and complete our letters and embark by bus...Our last time at CTJ - Asa Norte.

We arrived there around 8:15AM, started our project presentations, after some speeches (thank you, buddies), CTJ's Executive, Liliana Ayalde - the US Ambassador - we sang "Lucky Fin" to Tony Memmel, a famous American musician and after the brunch.

Around 12:00PM we started our last brunch, 116 Immersioners crying at the same time, asking for signs in the shirt, selfies and selfies until the Staff member start the call to embark to airport, the first group with 13 people left the Casa Thomas Jefferson at 1PM, few minutes later, Lana Dalton has started the worst part of the EIP "Guys, I'll call you by your names, after, go to bus", 1:30PM my name was called to go. Yeah, the end, I went to airport with 18 Immersioners.

After the check-in, time to say goodbye, goodbye to all of others that were waiting their flights, the others arriving in the Juscelino Kubistcheck Airport.

Guys, it wasn't the end, just a "See you soon". I want to see you in January as a Youth Ambassador, I want to visit you (I'll try), we should make a reunion.

Guys, like Mom Alba says "Never let someone talk that you can't do something". Right? Work hard to achieve your dreams, I wanna see your dreams coming true, I wanna help you if you need.
This was the best week of my life, thanks for everything.


With love,
Gabs from Sorocaba-SP

I'll let my contacts here (call me)
WhatsApp: +55 15 98818-7599
Snapchat: passos_gabs
Instagram and Twitter: _vulgabs


Alright, I don't really know how I should start this. The feelings inside me are all so mixed, it was a lot of experiences in 5 days.
You know when you rarely find people like you where you live, study or work?
Well, it's impossible to feel like this on EIP, you fit everywhere, people understand you and we're not even talking our native language haha.
This is not all about the travel, or the english, it's about to learn how to live in a group, to share things, how to improve your leadership (which is freaking important!).
I got new friends all over the country now and I'm pretty sure that I am gonna take them in my mind and heart for the rest of my life.
Let me tell you something, guys.
Last year I didn't want to apply for the test because I was afraid, I tought I wasn't good enough for this.
And the experience advice that I'll let for you is that, don't you ever close the doors for the good opportunities, let them in, they are going to surprise you, and you are going to live incredible things like I am now.
Never doubt about your capacity, intelligence and most important of all - Never give up on your dreams.
I am missing you already. And don't forget that WE ARE JUST LIKE FIRE!

quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2016

First of all,  I just wanted to go to U. S.  like anyone, but I received an incredible and better opportunity.
It all started when a friend told me about a program called Youth Ambassadors,  I was amazed due to the fact that I finally had found a program that fitted me in.
Consequently,  I applied for the program with the certainty that I could get into, though I wasn't selected. However,  I was selected to participated of the English Immersion Program.  Unlike a lot of people think,  it wasn't a consolation prize  It was the chance that I needed to understand the real reason to participate of this huge family.
On one hand,  I didn't travel to the U. S. to go shopping with 50 teenagers,  which is even justified because I don't have money to do that. On the other hand, I traveled to Brasilia to learn about teamwork,  leadership,  volunteer work and friendship.
When I look back,  I see how I needed this program neither because I needed to travel nor just to know a different city,  but to discover the values of work in communities also know that someone counting on me to change this world's societies by revolutionary actions.
In other words, all participants of EIP weren't chosen to a camp program just for fun but a program that aims at improving our knowledge about politics,  economy to make us capable of changing. That's the reason I'm proud to be an Immersioner.

-Laryssa Vieira / Rio de Janeiro

It's worth it!

Hello guys!! How are you?  
Yeah, this is it. Today is the last day of English Immersion Program/2016. Let me ask you: Do you remember how excited you were before coming to Brasília? A lot of questions amazed our minds but we got along and here we are!

Unfortunately this is the end of EIP week. I'm sure each one of us have developed skills during this week: we learnt about  friendship, leadership and now we'll practice in our personal and professional lives!  
so... We've grown up a lot during these days! We made memories we'll never forget! It was such a pleasure to be with you!! Thank You! You'll always be on my mind.



The EIP experience

Hello guys, in today's post I'm going to talk about the EIP and my fists impressions about it. So some of us arrived on Sunday, and we was very well received, then all of that afraid of the unknown go away and I'm feeling at home. It's very nice to be able to came to Brasília to participate of this program and know a lot of people from different states. 
I was really surprised because is being easy do make friends, everybody is open to interact with which other. I'm feeling very happy here. We have a very busy schedule a lot of things to to, and a loooot of food. because of our schedule we are woke up very early and go to sleep very late, but that is not a bad thing, the only bad thing is that the program is ending on Friday.
So guys, are you ever been on the EIP? If you are, what was you favorite moment? If you don't, do you want to participate some day? Tell me on the comments below.
Love u 

Just hold the opportunity

        Just hold the opportunity 

   Everyone who applied for youth ambassador program has a big dream, the sensation of fail can come with the results. It's so difficult to accept that you didn't get something that you really wanted, something that you really worked for , it's depressive.

   EIP can be considered the light in the end of the tunnel, almost all friends that you've made during the process will be participating with you, wow, it's really nice, but, what it gonna change in my life ? Come on, I'm not going to United States, I will not fly above the ocean, I will be with normal people, from the same boring country than me and with nothing new to show me.. When you think by this way, you're just pretending yourself, you're telling to your brain that it's just a recompense for your failed. EIP is too much than this, it can change your life like you could never think about. The sensation of been needed, wanted, make you so proud of yourself.

   EIP provides amazing experiences, where you can share with your colleagues, situations, you can practice to see things that you've had a formed opinion about for other point of view, you learn to listen, you learn to think more about others, to care about them, it's like a good felling, a light inside each of us, that starts to shine more than ever. It's where you can see the future of your country, you can see that you're not the only one trying to change the world, it feeds our soul with hope.

   This can be the best or worst experience of your life, it depends only of you. You arrived here alone, you brought yourself until here, so, why waste this precious time just because you didn't got exactly what you wanted? Sometimes we don't know to give value when we still have          opportunity. Let you enjoy, make new friends, be free to learn everything you could. When I arrived here, I was just a girl from Valinhos,SP , and now, I continue the same girl physically, but inside of me, I have a piece of each part of our country, stories that I will be so proud telling my children, friends for the rest of my life, more confidence on myself and that feeling that push me to want to change the world by my way is more stronger than ever. So, will you stay there, crying because you're not an youth ambassador, or proud of your progress, for being an Immersioner, not because you're gonna have this title for the rest of your life, but because the confidence that you win, the happiness for been how and who you are and to have the power of change ? Guys, everything depends of yourself. Share what you know, listen what you want to learn, look for them that need help, BE YOURSELF, BE AGRESSIVE !

Ana Beatriz Albino, English Immersioner 2016 from Valinhos, São Paulo

Best week ever.

EIP. What's EIP? Maybe for you is just a acronym but for me is 3 words what means one of the best experience of my life. 
2016 July, I will never forget this year and month, I met amazing people who doesn't live in my city, it's funny because I met people who lives in different city and have other culture, accent and it's so cool that we're always having fun with these foolish things like how our accent are so different, and always make jokes about it. 
It's so sad that Friday this program ends and maybe I'll never see these people again in my life.
Everyone is so special in their own way. And I met amazing girls and boys that identified and it's so awkward because this never ever happens in my city.  So, you can see that EIP is not just 3 words for me, it's a thing who came from just letters to everything. For me EIP is not only English Immersion Program, but also a meaning to happiness, love,  friendship and the best people ever.

So, here's what I learned on EIP: Believe in yourself, BE YOURSELF, make friends, take all your love and give it to people, be a leader, inspire people and NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS.

kiss and love. Mavi. 

Thousand of feelings in one week

Everybody knows that Brazil is a very heterogeneous country and because of our continental dimensions and cultural riches, it is hard to know about all the habits and cultures here.  However, fortunately  I had the chance to participate of the EIP(yeah!!!) and this program is providing me the chance to learn a little bit more about each state of my country.
I really appreciated to learn the different ways to say some word in some parts of Brazil. I learned for instance, that there are four different words with the same meaning in the five regions of my country. The bug called "mosquito" also can be called pernilongo, muriçoca and carapanã. Apart from the new words, I'm also having the opportunity to know new kinds of music and touristic points out of my state (Amapá) and I hope I'll visit those places soon.
If I could describe the EIP with one word, I'd use the word "friendship" because all that I've been living and feeling was only possible because of all this awesome guys.

By: Caio Cerqueira 

      What can I say to EIP? This program is really amazing. At first I was sad to don't be a youth ambassador, but this is the best experience in my life.  I mean, I was a little anxious and nervous, but EIP over come all my expectations. I can't imagine that this program was so incredible, and it change my mind and the way I see the things. 
      The people was so incredible too, here we can share experiences, histories with a lot of people of all states, we learned a lot, not only about the American culture but help each other, work together. 
       All the activities we do in a group and is so cool, because we can learn too about other cultures, costumes that we have here in our country that we don't have any idea to exist. Is one amazing week that we can learn a lot things, and share experiences with people. 
      We learned a lot, and I think that at the end of EIP we learn more. This is a week that I'll never forget, not only me but all the people who participated.  

Beatriz Lima (AC)
When you are going to the EIP for the first time, you feel like "oh my Nutella, what am I going to do? Will people really speak ONLY English with me? Is their English better than mine? Will they laugh of my face when a make some mistake? AND THE FOOD?". But, when you start thinking about it, you don't think about the other. You don't think that the other's feelings is the same as yours, with the same fears and other things. 
And we have another problem when you start this compilation of feelings. When you spend a week speaking English with each other, you "change" your personality a little. Because you can't explain everything that you want because you are using another language. In a certain time, you feel a little lost with words. It's not your language. You don't understand the feelings behind that word in other language. And this is part of a cultural knowledge that you do not have completely. 
So, the best part is come to the EIP and see that everything that you were thinking with a negative perspective was wrong. People are amazing and are totally just like you (and you end up finding a lot of soul mates on the program. And i'm talking about friends, please!), the English becomes easy for you, and you don't know why, but you "just go". AND THE FOOD IS AMAZING OH MY GOODNESS I WANT THIS KIND OF FOOD EVERYDAY BUT IF I EAT THIS THINGS EVERYDAY I WILL BECOME A BALL!!!
By the way, let me finish this thing. EIP is an amazing experience to meet people, to meet places, to laugh, to eat a lot and more than this things, improve your English with people like you. So please, comment here about your experience with programs like EIP or maybe the same program, my dears. See ya! 

Gabriela Couto - Manaus/AM 

A memorial week 🇺🇸🎉🇧🇷

Well, my English teacher told me about the program, but I was so scared, because I nas never won a trip like this 😂, so i tried and well, happens, everything is so perfect in CTJ, it is so american here, a piece of America into Brazil 🇺🇸👈🏻👉🏻🇧🇷.
Brazil is a big country with 27 states, 5 regions and 210.000.000 people and EIP make you meet each part of our big country and this is AMAZING 🎉
We have teams in CTJ and my team is the second (team 2 Gymnastics) the BEST team of course, the people of my team are amazing They are Funny, they likes to sing every moment, we hard work for our a presentation, we start the dance in the last day, was so cool.
In this year happened a sad thing, Alba went to New Zealand, and we lost her 💔😭
But love is bigger, and win the distance.
We went to embassy too and MY GOD was amazing and funny there, I won a small book 📕.
The EIP is more than a program, is the best experience ever, I dream with YA of of course, and i will make this dream happen, however EIP make you a better person, give you a new vision of the world, so yes, worth it make part of EipFamily.
English is a Beautiful language and in CTJ is the official  language 😂, the teachers of CTJ are the best REALLY.
Was amazing , I will keep each memory, each moment, each face!
I have one more chance for YA,  i will try again, NEVER GIVE UP, and you?

By: Lucas Moura

A keepsake: what keepsake has the EIP provided you? - Lucas de Brito

English Immersion is an American Embassy program, where students from all over the country can stay a week together, getting familiar with the American culture, and studying English all the day.

When you are put into a program where you can only speak in English, that's when you see your potential. It's when you find out you know how to talk with people using a different language than the one you're used to. So, for me, that's the first keepsake EIP brought to me: it showed me I CAN!

When more than a hundred people are together, that's when you can see all the variety EIP has. There are people from all the five regions of the country, so making friends is not difficult at all. Actually, every "hi" you say is a new friend you've made, 'cause people are so gentle and everyone wants to be everyone's friend. Then, this is one of the most important keepsake I'm gonna take from the program: the special moments with friends.

There are a lot of keepsakes I could talk about, and maybe I'll do, some time. But not now. What about you? What can be a good keepsake to you? What is the best one you have?

Lucas de Brito Silva

My EIP keepsake.

 Hello, buddy!
 Have you ever gone somewhere you didn't know, by yourself, to spend 5 days with people from all over your country and to speak a different language all the time? 'Cause I'm doing it, in the EIP. And I have to tell you, all the things I'm seeing, doing and living (most for the first time) are amazing! 
 We visited really important and beautiful places, like the U.S. Embassy and the TV Tower; we are having classes with american subjects, so we are learning a lot about another country and culture, and we don't even need to get out from our country; and the knowledge from our own country that we're receiving from other people is so awesome! 
 Honestly, I think my favorite part and memory of all the program was the lunch at the Embassy, because it was a moment that everybody was talking to each other, laughing, making jokes, everybody was looking like a real family, even the American volunteer girl that was sitting with us! It was a really good time.
 Also, the dancing time was really great, because I don't know how to dance but I like to, so it was a big opportunity for me to do it, to do something beautiful like a group dance - which I always wanted to do.
 Well, those are my favorite moments and are a keepsake that I'm deftly taking with me to my home and my hole life. Thank you, EIP, for give me the chance to live this amazing experience! 

- Katarine B. (SE)

For the future / For life

         At EIP I had the chance not just to learn English, but also to know a lot of people from many places. Also the EIP is about American culture. I had the chance to learn a lot of things of the culture of my  own country through the different people that were at EIP.

        We are living some hard times in the world, that we live in. It's a world full of differences that create barriers and make people drift apart, but in this experience that I'm having the pleasure to participate I can see people from all of the country and the world, with different cultures and thoughts getting along. It is something that makes me believe in the humanity and believe that in the future we will be able to live in peace and harmony.


David Eduardo Pereira - PB

Pieces of a Heart (A Keepsake from EIP 2016)

          Joining the most wonderful people in one of the most beautiful cities is a hard job. Harder than that is not taking all those experiences home and not falling in love with this awesome team. Surely you are going to cry remembering all the experience that you have lived, once you have given the best of you.
          Sharing your knowledge with people from all of the country, as well as learning with them is one of the best things that could have ever happened to you. Going back home is the hardest part of EIP. Taking new things home is awesome, however leaving your new friends is awful. 
          Memories are going to accompany you for the rest of your live as well as the keepsakes you have gotten from all of those amazing people you have lived like brothers for a few days. Are we gonna find those special people one day? The only thing we can be sure is that our heart has been broken in a hundred pieces that were spread through the whole country. We may not find them,  but we can be sure that they are always gonna take a piece of us in their hearts!

João Vítor Souza, Immersioner 2016, Brasília

My mistake

When I arrived in Brasília for the English Immersion Program (EIP) I was so nervous about my knowledge that I kept myself alone, I was thinking that I couldn't be relaxed. Believe me I had a lot of pain because of this, stomachache, headache... I was so bad... So I lost some opportunities of making friends, improving my English pronunciation and the most important, I missed on enjoying my first day in this wonderful place!

The second day I was a little more confident, although I wasn't so much better than I could be... Then I had more contact with all the Immersioners and I saw that I wasn't so different from them, all of us are here to learn, to have an amazing experience and I just needed to try like they were trying.

Today, I saw that what I did was unnecessary and If I could change this I would do it. We can't be afraid, we had an unbelievable chance and the one thing that we need to do is just to enjoy. If you have this opportunity, please, don't do like me, mainly like my first day... Because when this week finishes you will miss it... You will miss all the new friends, teachers and the program... Can you imagine how much hard it is?

Greyce Sheron Michelino

Keepsake -what keepsake EIP provided me

  I think it's time for us to stop for a moment and reflect on what we are going to learn from this experience. What does it all means? 
  It might not make sense to everyone this passion we have. How we dream big and care about the people, they might don't believe we can make any difference in the world, but we do. And that's what makes us a family. 
  I know more than anyone how it feels to be unsupported by people, because I'm just a teenager and "I know nothing about life", and there was moments where I wanted to give up on everything. But I'm sure after EIP I'll never feel like that again, I feel like I've changed forever, I know what I want and I'll never give up on that, no matter the obstacles or whatever people say. This whole experience has been so important to me, I've learnt so many things, met so many people, made so many friends, so many memories that I'll keep forever.
  So today I'm here to thank everyone who made this possible, everyone who helped me get here. Before I go, I wanna tell who ever is reading this, to never give up on whatever it is you want to do. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't , because you're capable of doing anything. 
Stefani Hemkemeier, SC

Keepsake -what keepsake EIP provided me

  I think it's time for us to stop for a moment and reflect on what we are going to learn from this experience. What does it all means? 
  It might not make sense to everyone this passion we have. How we dream big and care about the people, they might don't believe we can make any difference in the world, but we do. And that's what makes us a family. 
  I know more than anyone how it feels to be unsupported by people, because I'm just a teenager and "I know nothing about life", and there was moments where I wanted to give up on everything. But I'm sure after EIP I'll never feel like that again, I feel like I've changed forever, I know what I want and I'll never give up on that, no matter the obstacles or whatever people say. This whole experience has been so important to me, I've learnt so many things, met so many people, made so many friends, so many memories that I'll keep forever.
  So today I'm here to thank everyone who made this possible, everyone who helped me get here. Before I go, I wanna tell who ever is reading this, to never give up on whatever it is you want to do. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't , because you're capable of doing anything. 
Stefani Hemkemeier, SC

Keepsake -what keepsake EIP provided me

  I think it's time for us to stop for a moment and reflect on what we are going to learn from this experience. What does it all means? 
  It might not make sense to everyone this passion we have. How we dream big and care about the people, they might don't believe we can make any difference in the world, but we do. And that's what makes us a family. 
  I know more than anyone how it feels to be unsupported by people, because I'm just a teenager and "I know nothing about life", and there was moments where I wanted to give up on everything. But I'm sure after EIP I'll never feel like that again, I feel like I've changed forever, I know what I want and I'll never give up on that, no matter the obstacles or whatever people say. This whole experience has been so important to me, I've learnt so many things, met so many people, made so many friends, so many memories that I'll keep forever.
  So today I'm here to thank everyone who made this possible, everyone who helped me get here. Before I go, I wanna tell who ever is reading this, to never give up on whatever it is you want to do. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't , because you're capable of doing anything. 
Stefani Hemkemeier, SC

One more post for "the first drop" tag

Another beautiful day in my school, another English class in the week. But that day wasn't a normal day. That day, an unknown person came into the class with my teacher, and no one could ever imagine how he would change my life. He was a Youth Ambassador, and he was there to talk about the program for us, showed a lot of photographs and videos to us, and well, a guy comes and say that you're able to win an international trip for free? Of course that that 14 years old girl that I was wanted that. Me and another 10 people. Between those intelligent guys, I thought I could never get a chance. But well, this was just the first drop. After giving up for 2 years of the program, my English teacher said she would kill me if I gave up again (just kidding, of course). Then everything started to change. I saw that I could do that, and here I am. I'm not Youth Ambassador, and I can't try again, but I thank God every single day for the chance of being an Immersioner. There is no other place I'd rather be.

Láylla Marwell (PI)

A keepsake I wasn't expecting

Well, when I first got here and since I got the news that I was going to participate of the EIP, some things passed in my mind. I thought about all the things I was going to do here and to learn here by the things the participants of the other editions had told us and so my coordinator of the Youth Ambassadors. I imagined that the program was going to teach me a lot of things, but most of them (I don't know if it's because I'm at the university and there we usually care about academic things and knowledge) were about academic and English knowledge.
What happened was that I realized that this program is much more than that. I'm in love with my friends, with my teachers, with everyone who is donating themselves to make the best for us. They (for sure) have succeeded in their purpose. What most surprised me and I will carry forever is the easiness of people to make friends and bonds. 
They showed me that we can meet new people easily, that we can share with them our thoughts, our feelings, our advice, our experiences and expectations, our dreams. That we must be open minded about friendships, that no matter the piece of the country or the world you belong to, you will share similar ideas, feelings and thoughts, and you will also hear new ones and get involved with them. 
The world is here, the people are here, we are here. We just need to give the first step to create new bonds and feel like we are really here. That we belong to this place. 
So if you feel the same or have something to complement you can leave a comment! 

Andréia Nogueira Sallaberry

Pieces of the people we meet

As any other Immersioner, I'm having some of the best moments of my life here. We are all sharing the same experience, even the ones that have already experienced this. But the EIP is way more than just 6 fun days in a year, it is something that will stay with us for our entire existence.
On our daily lives, sometimes we meet new people, and we all have examples of friends that helped building our personalities. Good laughs, jokes, normal chatting, more serious conversations, and many other things, are moments that we keep. The  power to create those moments (and naturally, feelings), is the most magical thing we humans have.
Even though I have known them for just a few days, the friends that I'm making here will stay on my memories for a really long time. All the teachers, the activities, and of course, the food will also be on a very special place in my heart. If I told you guys all the good moments I've lived here, it would take at least 3 other blog posts to tell them. That's why you should tell us your best moment in the EIP, or something you will surely remember.

Thank you for reading,
Vinícius Rutes Henning

Cultural Sharing

The EIP is more than a program to improve and practice our English, it's an opportunity for us to meet all kinds of people from different states of our country. This program gives us a chance to change our perspectives and even our customs.
Here we meet people from different places and we can share our experiences, our stories, our regional jokes, our regional traditions, etc.
We live in a big country with an even bigger culture.
It's funny when a dude from the south says some different word that a guy from the north doesn't know. They start sharing their vocabulary and their regional culture in some sort of exchange, and this experience is something that they are taking back home and they are going to save for ever. 
As I've said before, it's more than just improving your English, it's more than getting to know about the American culture, it's about getting to know our people, it's about getting to know our own country.
What about you? What have you learnt with your colleagues so far?

Helora Nívea - ES.

A week to remember

This week in the EIP is something I'll take with me for my whole life. Each one of the experiences I've had are never leaving my mind, specially because of two objects I'm bringing back to my hometown inside my luggage: the program t-shirt and a necklace.

The t-shirt will always remind me about the incredible job done by the embassy staff. I owe them all the things I've learned during the classes, the great improvement of my English skills and the funny moments. Each member of this group is a unique person and was important in someway to me. Everything was only possible because of their hard work.

The necklace was a gift my roommate has given me and it will remind me of him and our conversations at night. Actually, it's much more than that. Through it, I'll be able to remember all the friends from all over the country I made and the incredible time we had. It was really nice to meet so many people and have the chance to work with them.

When I get too old and this year of 2016 stays far away in the past, I know those two very simple things will bring all my memories back. Every detail of these six days will come as a movie right in front of my eyes. And you, guys? What keepsakes has the EIP provided you? I'd love to read about it!

Gabriel de Bessa Spínola

EIP Changes lives Forever!

am trying to find words to describe how amazing this program has been. Since I left my home on the 2nd of July and arrived here on 3rd of July, my life has completely been changing. I met amazing people from different kinda places in Brazil, just in one day. 

People who I will carry for my whole life. 

Looking forward, I always want to be part of this team. Really, I'll never forget this incredible/awesome/wonderful... Week full of knowledge and entertainment. Knowing and learning more about the culture, thoughts, sports... The truly American life. 

And also, the city tour by Brasilia was unforgettable; lots of beautiful building, tourists sites. I'm blessed to be here celebrating 10 years of the Program, thank God! 

Although, the EIP provides me, yet, the opportunity to be meeting the USA Embassy. I am really, really proud to say that I've been to the US Embassy, it makes feel really in the USA. The place, and obviously the people. What nice people I met. 

 EIP Family Forever 🇺🇸❤️✈️☺️
Thanks a lot for making my dream come true! 
I can't wait to see you all again!

Regards, Lucas Alves Fagundes Chiconeli. Miraí - Minas Gerais. 

#EIP #Blessed #10years #USA #BSB 

My new journey

The first Drop - how I became an English Immersion ( Renan Santos)
You may think "What happened to make me change a lot?" And the answer can be "The problems that life brought to me". But everybody has problems, and these problems make us stronger. When I was twelve years old, I lost my big brother, my only brother. He was to me the best person in the world. He gave me support and encouraged me to run and make my dreams come true. I started to study English, learning more. And, when it happened, I felt that I couldn't do anything anymore. But like I said, the problems make us stronger! And, my brother always believed in me, I realize that if I gave up, I would be failing him. So, like the song, I decided not to give up. I overcame my fears and started the process to accomplish my dreams. I did a lot things, but everything that I did was not enough. So, I decided to make things differently that I usually do, starting a new journey.l
My journey started when I applied for the Youth Ambassador, I was so excited, because there was a chance to represent my state in the USA; a dream that I wanted to come true, a dream that my brother and me always thought about. After my enrollment, a lot of things changed  in my life, speaking English was no more an obligation, but a reason to be happy😍. So, I had to do the oral and writing  test, it was amazing! 
Day after day, I searched for more information about The Ya Program, and many other programs from the Embassy. So, my dream was so close to becoming true when I received an email from The program YA, saying "congratulations, you are a finalist of the Youth Ambassador program". In my house, I felt like "OHHHHH MY GODDDD , IT IS SO CLOSEEE". I was a step away from becoming a Ya. In the day of the final results, I was so confident. When I saw the result, my world disappeared. Why I'm not the winner? Why is it not me? Only now I got to know the answers for theses question. I'm a victor,  I'm an English Immersioner. The reason for me not being the Youth Ambassador of The year 2016 is because I have to be here, living this amazing experience, learning more and like a Ya, representing my state and my Country! I'm sure that everything that I learn here, I will use in my life!  

Instagram: renansnts_
Facebook : Renan Santos
Renan Santos

Living in a lucid dream!

Here, seated on a chair in front of the teacher with persons (that now I call my friends) by my side, laughing a bit because of the girl on my right and the boy on my left, I don't know what to do.
I'm supposed to write something and my mind is going to blow because of the infinite stuff that is inside it.
But now, I've noticed that after a little bit more than 32 hours I'm not going to be here anymore - laughing and living with people that until last week I never heard the voice or saw the face -, I will be at my house with my family and some people that, honestly, I don't care about. It's sad knowing that maybe we will never see each other ever again and it's a bit strange and funny how with just few hours I felt that I knew them since forever.
The English Immersion Program provided to me not just the best week of my life but gave to me experiences and people that I will never want to let go.
Before the EIP everything was about "how is going to be the program? And the immersioners, how are they?". During the EIP you hang out, meeting different persons from different places, you have funny classes with incredible and wonderful teachers and the most important: you eat a looooot of food!!!!!!
But then, you start to ask yourself how is going to be when the last day arrive, what's going to happen? Will you keep talking with the friends you made? Will the teachers remember the time they spent with you? Did you impacted people's lives, somehow?
It doesn't matter if you started to think like that when it was the first day or one day after your leaving. It doesn't even matter if you thought about it when the program didn't even start. It doesn't matter because you always do and you freak out and wants to cry.
And you try not to think about it or worry until the day arrives.
So you go and party with everybody like is going to be like this forever, you smile while learning a different culture and stuff, you know! You build a relationship with everybody that is in your reach, 'cause, well it's impossible you meet every inch of everyone in only one week, you let them know you and so do they (it's what you hope so).
Then, it happens! The day comes and EVERYBODY is crying and is just IT, I guess... it's time to go back to reality, but those memories... no one will take them from you.

xøxø dudes

Eduarda Cecília Mello

Share regards, not that you speak Tupi Guarani

Sharing yourself is such a hard thing to do, even harder when you have less than a week with more than a hundred people from a lot of different places and cultures. But, at the same time, it's easier to talk to those people for some specific reasons; You have a lot to talk. It doesn't matter where you are from, you will have stories and curiosities and a thousand things to share. Learning about other cultures -American and also from states in Brazil- is something incredible to do, mostly when you are from a state that some people don't even know that exists. Sharing things about Acre is funny because people are always asking what do we have there, and sometimes we need to answer a lot of questions; No, my mayor is not Pajé, and no, I don't speak Tupi Guarani (just the basic).   
This is my first experience and it's unbelievable how many amazing people I've met, how even with the differences you all can fit together and have fun together being yourselves. We need to enjoy each moment because while you're thinking that it must be a dream, time is running and when you realize that it all were real, it's getting over. 
So, English Immersion Program is such a deep experience that we all should live with our souls, because it is possible to meet people that you will never forget about, it doesn't matter if you live in Minas or Amazonas.

Tell me thoughts, leave a comment or share your experience if you want to.
Xoxo, Allie. 🦄

Alice Leão, EIP16. 
Twitter: @krisbiangd 
Instagram: alliewi
snapchat: allieleao

I'm from Bahia, but I do not speak "oxente"

Who am after the English Immersion Program? 

I'm Anderson Correia, 17, and I was born in Salvador, Bahia. Even with just five days of EIP I can see a really big difference between the boy who I used to be to the "new Anderson", the Anderson after the EIP and well, I'm sure I can call me a man now.
I've learned a lot of things and made friends from every single place of Brazil, our country.

The EIP has turned on my needing of learning new cultures, languages and as much as I can learn with people. And, actually, I'm dancing better (we love you Victor).

This program is helping me a lot with my future projects, 'cause  if I want to be a psychologist, and I really want to, I have to know people and what they do when they found different people. Especially when they found something new and strange. I got really interesting about learning how people think, how people live and how people have a social life, even with the differences.

This is a little about the new Anderson, a more talkative (and fun?) guy now, more helpful and creative. Maybe a little fatter, but really happy.

What about you guys? What are your dreams? Do you have a similar with mine? Do you want to be better and help people? 

(And thanks, here, on EIP 2016, I found the most beautiful girl in the world)

Motivation is everything!

Being in the EIP is an amazing experience, but unfortunately many
people don't know anything about the program. And I was like them!
Since last year I have never heard about the program. How did I know
the program? Well, I'm a volunteer in a school and I work teaching
English in my community, one day I was in a meeting with some other
volunteers teachers and they talked about the program (Youth
Ambassador) for  me. They said like "Ohh you're so young, you should
try it!" I get very excited with the idea to be part of this and I
decided to try it.
I made all the process and I was very confident, and during all this
process the other volunteers were supporting me. They have influenced
me a lot and I'm very thankful for this. And now, when I come back to
home I want to be like them and influence other teenagers in my
community to try it.
And about you, How did you come to be here? Who or what has influenced you?
What I have done to get into the EIP family

Well, first of all I would like to say that EIP is being one of the most incredibles experiences ever! I could never imagine that I was supposed to live awesome experiences with all different kinds of people.
To arrive here I passed through many phases That certainly were not easy.On the first one I had to get lots of documents with information about me,my family,my school and my course...And here it goes!After this, I had to do a written test downtown with many other people,which was asking my opinion and position about current things since my neighborhood until the whole country.
The third test was the oral one,and I was so nervous because there were group and personal turns.When I finally was a semi finalist,I had an interview and it was made in my house,with me and my family.
To the you the truth dear reader,who mostly gave me force to try youth ambassadors was my English teacher,called Ariane Mattos. She has been by my side since I entered on her intermediate 3 class last year.
She always tell to do not give up on my dreams because I am capable to do everything I want to. And,certainly,I followed her advice subscribing to YA,during the whole process,she helped me correcting all texts that I had written to keep training to the test chose. I do not feel sad or any regret for not being a YA yet,passing this week in Brasília on this program I am improving my knowledge,my skills and mainly my English.EIP is showing me that to be a family is not necessary have family bones,and also it makes me feel stronger and more prepared to do the selective process again this year! Xoxo!
Maria Paula


The best memories

Everybody knows that EIP is an amazing experience and today I'm going to talk about it. This is my first time in the program and I'm so happy to be here. I've made some friends, I've learned new things and obviously I improved my English. The program is making me so happy with my life and is making me a better person. Maybe you are asking yourself: why has she said these things? I'll tell you: imagine that you are with people that you've never seen in your life and you are living moments that you've never imagined that you would live. These are incredible things, aren't they? So, that's why I'm so proud to be here. Because of these facts, every time that I see someone laughing, talking in English or even if I visit Brasília again I will remember about EIP. And what about you guys? What do you think about the program? What keepsake has the EIP provided you? Tell me on the comments, I'd like to read it. 😀                                                              By Júlia Rodrigues. 

Just the basic about "Tupi Guarani"

Tupi Guarani

Hello girls, what's up? Today I'm here to talk a little about my second experience in this unbelievable and awesome program that is the English Immersion!!! 
Well, when I decided to apply again to the Youth Ambassador I was confident that I was going to pass, but it didn't happen! 😭😭😭 No, I was not too sad, because I remembered that those who do not pass to YA, go to the EIP, and this program has a lot to teach you. Not only this, because I had friends that I continue to have contact even living far from each other.
One of my favorites memories this EIP that I will keep forever in my mind was the day all of us, I mean, me, Maria Victória, Stefani, Julia, Alice e Duda were sitting after lunch and we were  joking with Alice, because she lives in Acre, and Maria was telling a lot of funny things, like this one: she asked Alice if she didn't know the basics of "Tupi guarani", of course it could be considered bullying but we were very happy to be together, laughing a lot and getting to know each other. 
I think I would have more experiences like this when the program finishes, but even though, I can tell you that my second time here is being more wonderful and I'm trying to enjoy even more. 
If you want to know more about this fantastic program, how to apply for it and more funny experiences, ask me and comment here!!! I will be able to answer all of your doubts 😁
So, bye bye, see you soon ladies
Kisses and hugs 😚💕
Danielle Souza EIP 2015/2016

May the confidence be with you!😄

 May the confidence be with you!😄

One day, I was at my school(Military school of Curitiba), taking English class and my teacher told me about Youth Ambassadors. She asked me if I knew YA. Then, I answered: "what is it?" My teacher explained about the program and I got really excited. I thought to myself that I should try. To try or not to try: that is the question. 🤔The "no" I already had, thus I  went to get the "yes". So I tried. 😜
You get a little scared when you realize that a lot of people are competing with you. But you have to believe in yourself and take a chance. That is what I did. I dedicated my time for Youth Ambassadors and did my best, then for my happiness  I was approved in the last stage of the program. 😃
I didn't go to Youth Ambassadors, however I was selected for EIP(English Immersion Program), an incredible program. I did not get upset, because I knew that EIP would be an unforgettable experience. Actually, it is already a remarkable program that I am having the privilege and the honor to participate.✌️
In EIP I am able to use my creativity and talk about my dreams and all the influence that I received from my family and my school. Besides that I am improving my English. 
To sum up, the moral of this history is: believe in yourselves. We can do anything we want to. We have to trust in ourselves and never give up. "Keep calm and carry on". This way, we can make our dreams come true. So, how did you come to be here? Have you already thought about giving up or have you always been confident about yourself?🤔
May the confidence be with you! xoxo, gossip girl. Just kidding!😅
xoxo, Bruna Mayumi Wagatuma Bottolo.

About introvert people and EIP experience

  How good can you be with interpersonal relationships without being good at opening yourself to others? 
  This is something that has bothered me since I've known myself as a person. If you are, just like me, an introvert, you will probably understand what I'm going to talk about here. And if you are an extrovert, this post may even help you understand how some introvert people think and feel about opening up and interacting with others.
 First of all let's just remember that being an introvert isn't something bad. We just don't feel like interacting with others all the times, and when we have to do that we feel drained and have to spend some time alone to "go back to normal". It may sound ridiculous or even crazy, but that's just how it is.  
  EIP is a place where you get to know people from everywhere and with all kinds of behavior and opinions. Introverts have to choose between two options when dealing with this: let this behavior take control of your days or learn to deal with it so you don't have to change but also don't have to be like this all the time. Well, I chose the second one. 
  We've been here for three days and I can say that I'm dealing pretty well with all this situation. I've been making friends, inside jokes, interacting a lot and trying to improve my way to see the world and the future. But it doesn't mean that I have changed who I am. I still have my moments when I just want to be alone and read a book, and there is nothing wrong with it. If any of you feel like this too, know that there's really nothing wrong with it. 
 The thing is: you can't stay in your comfort zone. You have to push yourself a little bit everyday so you don't fall into the vicious cycle of never interacting with others. And the worst thing about comfort zone is that it gets smaller and smaller every time you stop pushing it. So, for us introvert people, we don't need to change who we are to be acceptable. We just need to learn how to deal with our behavior so we can control it, and not the other way round. 
  What's your opinion about introvert people? And if you are an introvert, do you think that you know how to deal with it? 
 Wishing you all the best and sending you love from Brasília,

Jessica Stolfi.



Hi! As you guys already know, I'm in Brasilia since Sunday now. I go home only on Friday and I'm totally sure I have a lot of stuff to see and learn yet. I'm here because of a program called English Immersion USA, with more than 100 teenagers are all over Brazil. EIP is one of the most amazing youth programs that the Embassy of the United States offers for Brazilian students. It's a week in Brasilia, taking classes at CTJ (Casa Thomas Jefferson), with hotel, breakfast and food! Ps.: all the costs are covered by the Embassy. Isn't that crazy, guys?!
Since I got here, it's been a crazy, lovely experience. People are friendly, we can have so much fun together and we're taking classes like real Americans teenagers do. Of course we do have a schedule, it's a very agitated week, but whenever we are together, everything becomes a party. 
I just came here to say that whenever someone tells you that you're not capable of getting there, you must raise your inner voice and confess to yourself that you're a BADA**! Be strong, have faith and believe in yourself! No one can shine brighter than you when you're the one who has faith in your own self. Always remember that. I know it's not easy, but trying is part of life, and you mustn't waste your life not trying. 

Lots of love,

Instagram: _giovannatoledo

The day before the last

If you're interested in exciting stories with a lot of adventures, I have a warning: this is not that kind of story. You can still read this, though (I'm a nice person).

The first drop: what or who has influenced me?
First of all, I live in a small city called Vidal Ramos (Santa Catarina) and we don't have many opportunities there to study English or to do something in this area. On the other hand, we do have a LOT of incentives in my school and a lot of people that believe we can do anything. So, I heard about the program from a friend who has applied to the Youth Ambassadors 2013 - she's a teacher now, by the way - and she got to the English Immersion Program. Since that time, she has been supporting me and telling me that I can not give up.

Throwback Thursday 
I applied to this program for the first time in 2014, but I didn't pass the selection that was made in Florianopolis. I was kinda upset at that time, but now I can see how much this made me grow and helped me to become an Immersioner when I applied the second time.
 I don't think I would "change" my mistakes, cause I really learned with them. The only thing I regret is the way I was ashamed to talk in English cause I thought that I might've been saying something wrong. That made me really insecure, but I worked hard to fix that.

Now I'm in the EIP and I can't believe we have to leave tomorrow (actually, I still can't believe that I'm here). I didn't have so much time to meet everyone here, but I'm sure that I'll come back to my city with a "piece" of a lot of people - like the "quadradinho" that I (almost) learned (thanks Karline) -. 
Last but not least, I just want to say this program was one of the best things that could happen to anyone, so if you really want to apply for this test DO IT.
If you have anything to ask or anything to suggest, please leave a comment here (even if you don't, just do it).

Helena Filippi Fermino, Vidal Ramos - SC

The EIP exchange

The EIP exchange ✈️🏨🇺🇸

My name is Gabriel Bessa😄, I'm 17 years old, and I started studying English alone a long time ago📖📚⌛️, In the last year I applied to the youth ambassadors program, but unfortunately I wasn't selected to the program😒😒😒.
But, i was selected to another program called the ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM (EIP)👍🏼. Since the first day, when I arrived in the airport, I felt a fraternal love from all the immersioners, the program is an amazing experience for all of us because beyond the great improvement of your English skills, you become part of the U.S. Embassy family🇺🇸🎖👍🏼.

Here in the EIP, our life's very intense🕐🕒🕔, we have a lot of classes, activities, and tasks to complete, but there are some moments that can never be forgotten, like the day I met my team (team 3) after so much skype calls and meetings🙀😋😍, when we went to the American embassy🇺🇸, and met real American people, talked with Them☺️🤓, all the great times we went out to dinner or visiting Brasilia city, or when we said goodbye to Alba in the pizza restaurant and gave her a flag with all Immersioners signatures in it😱😭😭😭👏👏👏, I would do nothing differently✌🙏.

Those moments made us a family, we help each other in everyday life, because here we're also learning about how we need others in our lives.

If you also have moments like those, please leave in the comments below

By Gabriel Victor Bessa (long hair).

How many pieces has a soul ?

   The fear and the jitters can make a mess in your life and in your dreams, but the EIP changes this perspective and make me look from the other side of the mirror. I'm a really shy person and because of this my perspective was really different, but now I'm beginning to understand how good it is to be "free" and I will tell you how my life has changed.

    With the program I could open my eyes and see What I was missing. At the beginning I didn't talk with anyone, but now I can share my experiences and my whole life. My friends really helped me with everything and here in the EIP, they also are helping me a lot. I was tired to see movies and histories that talk about people that were shy and now they are not. it's so easy to watch the change and do nothing to change yourself that's why I decided not to be shy anymore.

   I want now to know about everybody and want to share my experiences, because that is the only way to grow up in life. Here in EIP I was discovering a little piece of everybody and it is so beautiful to discover what makes people happy and what makes them cry and I'm doing the same. I'm trying to share all I have with everyone, because it's ONLY a week and that just makes me want to share more.

   It's impossible for everybody to share 100% of themselves because even those who think they know everything, do not know one third of themselves. Everyone tells you how to act and how to do things, but do you even ask yourself what you wanna be or what you want to do? Be yourself, enjoy a lot every kind of people and accept the differences.  Don't be afraid to try new things and be nicer. You come one person and now you are a different one, physically you are the same, but inside you have a lot of pieces from your friends and your experiences, and trust me when I say that EIP is an incredible experience. 

And remember you are more than you think you are. Don't be shy and enjoy life, because friends are one of the best gifts in the world.
All the luck to you in your dreams. 

Vinícius Padilha Cordeiro de Carvalho