terça-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2017

To the Youth Ambassadors of 2017

                                                                                                                Itabuna, 10 de janeiro de 2017

Aos senhores Jovens Embaixadores de 2017,
     Os parabenizo pela incrível conquista desse título e a honra de participar da 15ª edição do programa e representar seus respectivos estados e a nossa nação! Em especial, agradeço à Embaixada dos Estados Unidos no Brasil que promove tal programa e que abraça e vê nos jovens um espírito de liderança e destaque na sociedade (e viram isso em mim, o que me levou a participar do English Immersion USA no ano passado)!
Lembranças aos meus conhecidos participantes dessa edição:
          Representando a delegação baiana, Marcelo Sant’Anna, um rapaz arretado e que conquista seus objetivos com muita luta e determinação!
          A linda e carioca Maria Paula, vulgo: “Bixcoito”, que conquista as pessoas com seu bom humor e muito amor e que sempre terá um espaço em meu coração! Amei cada momento que passamos juntos!
          Não poderia esquecer-me do Gabriel Passos, meu companheiro do amado Group 6; Desejo-lhe tudo de bom nessa viagem e que aproveite cada momento. Você é um garoto prodígio e cheio de ideias!
          Ah, a Gaby Tomé, parceira de boliche e da EIP Party! Você é muito especial para mim e desejo-lhe mil maravilhas e sucesso na sua vida e durante o programa! Um abraço enorme!
          Ana Laura, essa garota maravilhosa que conheci, mas pouco conversei, embora os momentos que passamos juntos foram incríveis (a experiência do EIP como um todo também)! Aproveita, garota e se joga nessa viagem! \o/
          Um artista nato, de grande talento e competência, ninguém menos que Gabriel Bessa! Foi um enorme prazer te conhecer e um orgulho de vê-lo participando do Caldeirão do Huck e apresentando a todos o seu trabalho na sua cidade. Continue assim, te desejo muito sucesso na sua vida, e não se esqueça de me chamar para sua festa de aniversário em Miami daqui a uns anos! Hahaha!
          Edu, meu amigo, também foi um prazer te conhecer e você é uma pessoa fantástica! Aproveite cada momento dessa experiência in-crí-vel!
          Ao Lucas Brito, Guilherme Eduardo e Ana Carolina, com os quais tive pouco contato durante o EIP16, mas que têm um espaço no meu coração, eu os parabenizo por essa conquista e que não parem de lutar pelos seus sonhos!

     Muitos podem dizer que é impossível amar tantas pessoas num período curto de tempo, mas eu e todos os 115 Immersioners somos a prova disso! Foram necessários sete dias para que cada um tivesse um amigo por todo o país e estabelecesse uma conexão difícil de se quebrar, talvez nos ligamos tanto porque sabíamos desde o 1º dia que o 7º estava por vir e a saudade seria a companheira mais próxima dali em diante...
     Talvez não demonstramos muito amor para com as pessoas do nosso dia a dia por não sabermos quando será o último dia que vamos vê-las e deixamos para amar depois, então tomemos isso como exemplos e amemos mais a cada momento!

          Aos 40 Jovens Embaixadores que, ainda, não tive a oportunidade de encontrá-los, mas que já os considero bastante. Pude conhecer a partir das mídias sociais um pouco de cada um de vocês, que se destacaram na sua cidade, no seu estado e que está levando à frente toda essa história e exemplos a serem seguidos na sociedade!
     Imagino a felicidade que estão sentindo por esses dias e deve dar um friozinho na barriga com tanta novidade! Creio que é a primeira viagem de avião de alguns dentro do país e também para fora do mesmo e deve ser uma emoção IN-CRÍ-VEL! Que vocês estejam aproveitando Brasília da melhor maneira possível, porque é um local fenomenal (embora os problemas que sabemos que existe).
     Não se esqueçam de mandar mensagens para os seus familiares e amigos, além de postar a rotina de vocês no Snapchat e no Instagram Stories (por favor!!), ninguém quer perder um momento sequer!
     Vocês merecem essa conquista e é apenas o começo de uma grande história para cada um; aproveitem cada momento e cada dólar que tiverem no bolso, hein?!  

     2017 é meu último ano para tentar me tornar um YA, mas vou agarrar essa oportunidade com unhas e dentes! Mas não sendo possível, ainda tenho muitas oportunidades pela frente! :D Um abraço para os 50, desse desconhecido (para alguns) e Immersioner de 2016,

                                                                                                            Gleidson Lucas Almeida Santos.

PS: Aos participantes do EIP17, alguns que são meu amigos da edição anterior, ROCK IT and SHAKE OFF THE GROUND!

PPS: Amei esse vídeo que a Ana Laura me enviou no Whats <3 Amo todos!*Esqueci de acrescentar uma coisinha.... BRAZILIAN PEOPLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - essa frase que tanto falei no EIP com a Amanda, essa maravilhosa <3

sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2016

Look to The Stars

     Hey ya! Do you have someone that inspire you and is an example to be followed? Hold this question for a while and chek this out:
     I wanna talk about my role models! Everyone in this world is a role model even if he/she isn't a famous one and everyone that I met in the EIP IS a role model to me. I can say that each one inspired me in something, to believe in myself and achieve my dreams, to take decisions on somethings and to make the difference.
     I remember somethings about "The Lion King" and someone told to Simba that, Mufasa, 'his' father went to the heaven as a star and it's shining there to 'he' see. That is how I see my role models, not dead (hahaha), but shining, showing their overshoots and supporting me to go further and they are there, in this metaphoric sky, to guide us when our path gets dark.
     Look back and see the good things you did in life and be pround of that! Even with the problems and sad things that happens, go ahead and don't give up! :D
>Here is a message for two of my buddies (and my role models in special) in the EIP and have a special value to everyone that's reading this post:

     I know it's your last chance to become an Youth Ambassador and you are kind of nervous, but, believe me, you are incredible and I know you're going to achieve your dreams and do the best in your life!

     Marcelo, as I call you Captain, do justice to this title and guide this ship called 'Life' in this sea trials! I believe in your capacity and determination! Keep being a incredible guy and surprising me more and more!

     Caio Rodrigues, I remember that you said you don't deserve to be an YA. Are you sure?! I mean... You are such an incredible man and has a positive soul! Believe in yourself and do the best you can, even when you think something it's not going to work!

That's to everyone: BE AGRESSIVE! Make the difference and don't give up! :D xoxo!

Hey... What about YOU? Who is your role model and why?

Gleidson Santos

segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2016

Assay about her.

In the morning I asked to her "Are you gonna miss me?" and she looked in my eyes, her eyes were wet and she said "I gonna miss you all".

She were my buddy but in the last day we took different buses, on my fist was a red band and on hers were a white one, we knew that we would have a half day together, but not in that way, we were buddies and when we were in the bus I knew, it was something special. And as in the most painful movie of friendship. She left.

domingo, 10 de julho de 2016

Do not say sorry again.

In wednesday I broke his heart and finally I showed to myself who I really was, I cried inside, and even with I had done, he was standing by my side.

In thursday he said "I forgive you, let's forget what just happened" but in that afternoon he acted strange, and I asked to him what was happening and he said "nothing", in the same night he kissed me and I knew that he had forgot. Both of us already knew, that moment would arrive soon, and as the end of the most painful romance. He left.

sábado, 9 de julho de 2016


Thursday night we arrived at the Saint Paul Plaza Hotel after the party (THE BEST PARTY EVER) with the instruction "You will go to the staff room, take your ribbon - there are 4 colours: white, green, red and blue - then you will make your baggage. Tomorrow we have a very tight schedule."
After the instructions we took the ribbons, made our baggages...

Friday in the morning, the Immersioners meet each other at the Restaurante Flowers - our last breakfast together, a lot of pictures, hugs and kisses, goodbyes and tears. After we down the stairs to do our check-out and complete our letters and embark by bus...Our last time at CTJ - Asa Norte.

We arrived there around 8:15AM, started our project presentations, after some speeches (thank you, buddies), CTJ's Executive, Liliana Ayalde - the US Ambassador - we sang "Lucky Fin" to Tony Memmel, a famous American musician and after the brunch.

Around 12:00PM we started our last brunch, 116 Immersioners crying at the same time, asking for signs in the shirt, selfies and selfies until the Staff member start the call to embark to airport, the first group with 13 people left the Casa Thomas Jefferson at 1PM, few minutes later, Lana Dalton has started the worst part of the EIP "Guys, I'll call you by your names, after, go to bus", 1:30PM my name was called to go. Yeah, the end, I went to airport with 18 Immersioners.

After the check-in, time to say goodbye, goodbye to all of others that were waiting their flights, the others arriving in the Juscelino Kubistcheck Airport.

Guys, it wasn't the end, just a "See you soon". I want to see you in January as a Youth Ambassador, I want to visit you (I'll try), we should make a reunion.

Guys, like Mom Alba says "Never let someone talk that you can't do something". Right? Work hard to achieve your dreams, I wanna see your dreams coming true, I wanna help you if you need.
This was the best week of my life, thanks for everything.


With love,
Gabs from Sorocaba-SP

I'll let my contacts here (call me)
WhatsApp: +55 15 98818-7599
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/passosgabs
Snapchat: passos_gabs
Instagram and Twitter: _vulgabs
E-mail: gabriel.passos@live.com


Alright, I don't really know how I should start this. The feelings inside me are all so mixed, it was a lot of experiences in 5 days.
You know when you rarely find people like you where you live, study or work?
Well, it's impossible to feel like this on EIP, you fit everywhere, people understand you and we're not even talking our native language haha.
This is not all about the travel, or the english, it's about to learn how to live in a group, to share things, how to improve your leadership (which is freaking important!).
I got new friends all over the country now and I'm pretty sure that I am gonna take them in my mind and heart for the rest of my life.
Let me tell you something, guys.
Last year I didn't want to apply for the test because I was afraid, I tought I wasn't good enough for this.
And the experience advice that I'll let for you is that, don't you ever close the doors for the good opportunities, let them in, they are going to surprise you, and you are going to live incredible things like I am now.
Never doubt about your capacity, intelligence and most important of all - Never give up on your dreams.
I am missing you already. And don't forget that WE ARE JUST LIKE FIRE!

quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2016

First of all,  I just wanted to go to U. S.  like anyone, but I received an incredible and better opportunity.
It all started when a friend told me about a program called Youth Ambassadors,  I was amazed due to the fact that I finally had found a program that fitted me in.
Consequently,  I applied for the program with the certainty that I could get into, though I wasn't selected. However,  I was selected to participated of the English Immersion Program.  Unlike a lot of people think,  it wasn't a consolation prize  It was the chance that I needed to understand the real reason to participate of this huge family.
On one hand,  I didn't travel to the U. S. to go shopping with 50 teenagers,  which is even justified because I don't have money to do that. On the other hand, I traveled to Brasilia to learn about teamwork,  leadership,  volunteer work and friendship.
When I look back,  I see how I needed this program neither because I needed to travel nor just to know a different city,  but to discover the values of work in communities also know that someone counting on me to change this world's societies by revolutionary actions.
In other words, all participants of EIP weren't chosen to a camp program just for fun but a program that aims at improving our knowledge about politics,  economy to make us capable of changing. That's the reason I'm proud to be an Immersioner.

-Laryssa Vieira / Rio de Janeiro